Long term prognostic value of complete revascularization in patients with myocardial infarction and multivessel disease

A single center experience


  • Miguel Hominal Unidad Coronaria, Servicio de Cardiología del Sanatorio Diagnóstico, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Antonela Braida Unidad Coronaria, Servicio de Cardiología del Sanatorio Diagnóstico, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Lautaro López Unidad Coronaria, Servicio de Cardiología del Sanatorio Diagnóstico, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Nahuel Constantin Unidad Coronaria, Servicio de Cardiología del Sanatorio Diagnóstico, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Fabricio Etchetto Unidad Coronaria, Servicio de Cardiología del Sanatorio Diagnóstico, Santa Fe, Argentina


Myocardial infaction, Complete revascularization, Culprit vessel


Introduction: multivessel (MV) disease is common in patients with myocardial infarction (MI), with worse prognostic during hospitalization and over a long term. Complete revascularization (CR) in STEMI reduces major cardiovascular events (MACE). This strategy is not clear in patients with NSTEMI. Objective: to determine the long-term prognosis of CR in patients with MI an MV disease. Methods: all MI admitted between 07/2016 and 12/2022 were analyzed. MV disease was considered when ≥70% stenosis was observed in a vessel other than the culprit (CV). CABG, inhospital deaths and loss in follow-up were excluded. CR was defined as revascularization for all feasible stenoses. MACE was analyzed during follow up. Results: from all the patients evaluated, 30.7% presented MV disease (n=189); 59.8% were STEMI and 40.2% NSTEMI. The sample was divided into two groups: CV revascularization vs CR. CR was performed in hospital in 42.8% and in 57.1% after discharge. Follow-up was made (33 months median) reporting a lower rate of MACE in the CR group: MI 6% vs 10.5% (p=0.2), stroke 0% vs 5.7% (p=0.02), PCI 10.7% vs 26.7%; (p=0.006), death 20.2% vs 38.1% (p=0.008) and combined events 31% vs 59% (p=0.0001). MACE-free survival was observed in CR group (p<0.001). CR was identified as an independent predictor variable of MACE during follow-up (OR 0.73 95% IC 0.65-0.88; p=0.001). Conclusion: CR in patients with MI and MV disease reduces mortality, revascularization, and MACE during the long term.




How to Cite

Long term prognostic value of complete revascularization in patients with myocardial infarction and multivessel disease: A single center experience. Rev. Fed. Arg. Cardiol. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 26 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];53(2):78-83. Available from: https://revistafac.org.ar/ojs/index.php/revistafac/article/view/549