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Author Guidelines

The Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology, official publication of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology, publishes original articles, in Spanish and English, on cardiology and cardiovascular diseases in editions on paper and on the Internet. For the preparation of the articles, the Journal is adapted to the requirements of The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in its most recent version, available at


The Journal publishes permanent sections:


In temporary sections:



The Journal publishes unpublished articles, prepared in .DOC or .DOCX (Word) format, on A4 size paper, with margins of at least 25mm, double-spaced, in Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12. The pages will be numbered at the bottom of the page, and on the right, consecutively, excluding the front page. Drugs will be mentioned by their generic name. Units of weight and measurement will be those corresponding to the decimal metric system, in conventional abbreviations. Abbreviations will be entered for the first time immediately after the first appearance of the word in the text.



When any potential conflict of interest could arise from the authors of an article and / or an institution, public or private, this circumstance must be communicated in due course to the Editor.



Papers sent to the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology should be carried out in compliance with international recommendations on clinical research, according to the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association, recently revised (which can be found here), and with laboratory animals according to the American Society of Physiology. The authors of the articles accept the responsibility defined by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (available in:



All unpublished contributions will be evaluated by expert reviewers appointed by the Editors. Sending an article to the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology implies that it is original and that it has not been previously published, nor is it being evaluated for publication in another journal. The fact that the papers have been presented in Congresses, Scientific Societies or published in the form of Abstracts is not an obstacle for their publication. For their evaluation, the articles will be sent by email to the address: [email protected].


Articles must have the following attached documents, which must be sent in separate files:

A. Note of transfer or rights.

B. Front page.

Specific to each section:

C. Abstracts both in Spanish and English, with 3-5 keywords each.

D. Text with bibliography.

E. Figures (one file per figure, in JPG format). Each section has a maximum quantity.

F. Figure footnotes. Each section has a maximum quantity.

G. Tables. Each section has a maximum quantity.

Important: the files must be for PC (not for MacIntosh) and, except for the figures, in .DOC or .DOCX  formats (Word).


A. Note of transfer of rights.

In order for an article to be considered for publication, a note (digitized by scanner) must be attached, which will include the title of the article both in English and Spanish, the section of the Journal in which it will be published, the thematic area, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication remain the property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.

Pressing here, you will be able to see the suggested format for this note.


B. Front page.

On this page must be recorded:

  1. Title of the complete report, in 120 characters including spaces, not including abbreviations.
  2. Abbreviated title of the manuscript that should not exceed 80 characters with spaces.
  3. List of authors, which will include: first name, initials of the following names, full surname and e-mail of each author.
  4. Title or academic degree of each author.
  5. Name of the institution where the article was carried out.
  6. Name, postal address (street name, number, city, postal code, province/state, country) and e-mail of the responsible author to whom to direct the correspondence.
  7. Authors must provide a declaration of whether or not there is a conflict of interest.
  8. Specify the total number of words in the abstract and the text of the manuscript.
  9. This page should not be numbered.

Pressing here, you will be able to see the suggested format for this note.


C. Abstracts. See specifics of each sections.


D. Text with bibliography.

The text of the article will be adapted to what is stated in the General Instructions and also to what is referred to in each particular section detailed in the Types of Articles section.

The number of bibliographic references will be specified for each type of publication. The bibliography will be cited in consecutive numerical sequence, according to the order of appearance in the text, with Arabic numerals and in superscript format.

For the reference of medical journals, the abbreviations used will be those appearing in the Index Medicus: List of Journals Indexed, which is available at Personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data will not be included in the bibliographic citations. All of them, however, can be included, in parentheses, in the text. If abstracts are cited, they must be identified with (abstract) placed after the title of the work. Examples:

  • Reference of medical journals. The last name and initials of the authors' names will be written first (without periods between them); when these are more than three, only the first three authors will be mentioned, adding the Latin particle “et al”. Then the title of the manuscript. Next, period followed, name of the journal / publication, according to the abbreviation of the Index Medicus, and the year of publication highlighted in bold. After a semicolon, the volume number, a colon and the initial and final page of the cited work, separated by a hyphen. For example: Priori SG, Barhanin J, Hauer RN, et al. Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: impact on clinical management (Parts I and II). Circulation 1999; 99: 518-28.
  • Reference of a book chapter. The following will be cited: chapter authors, chapter title, book authors, book title, edition, city, publisher, year and chapter pages. For example: Rennke HG, Anderson S, Brenner BM: The progression of renal disease: Structural and functional correlations. In: Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.
  • Reference of a book. It must be written: authors, title, edition, city, publisher, year and pages. For example: Tisher CC, Brenner BM: Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.
  • Reference of a magazine article in electronic format. It should be written as the following example shows, adding at the end the date on which it was last viewed: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [electronic journal] 1995; 1 (1) Available at: Viewed March 9, 2022.


E. Figures.

Figures corresponding to graphics and drawings will be sent exclusively in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The recommended size of the figures is 12.7 by 17.8 centimeters. Figures must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each figure will be sent in an attached and separate file, placing the corresponding figure number in the file name. Letters, symbols and other characters must be of sufficient size for clear identification. The special details will be indicated with arrows, using for this and for any other type of symbol, the maximum contrast line with respect to the figure.


F. Figure footnotes.

They will be included on a separate sheet. At the end, the abbreviations used will be identified, in alphabetical order. The figures will not include data that may reveal the origin of the report or the identity of the patient. Photographs of people must be taken in such a way that they are not identifiable; otherwise, the consent of its use by the person photographed will be attached.


G. Tables.

Tables will be submitted in Word of Excel format, all tables in a single file. They must be submitted in an editable format. Tables in JPG or PNG format will not be accepted. Tables will be numbered with Arabic numerals. They will include a short title at the top. They must be understandable by themselves, without the need to resort to the text, and will not exceed the size of one page of the Journal. The abbreviations used must be identified at the bottom of the table. To make the table, one must insert it and follow the steps indicated by the word processor in use.



The articles in the Journal may include color images, videos, audio and computer programs (software), which will be published in the electronic version (at addresses that will be specified in the paper version).

Color images

  1. Exclusively in JPG format (they must not be attached to a text document).
  2. Resolution must be up to 300 dpi and no less than 150 dpi.
  3. Size must be up to 800 by 600 pixels.
  4. Each figure will be sent on a separate file.


  1. Formats: .AVI, .MPG, .MPEG, .WMV.
  2. Format .GIF, as an option for large files.
  3. Flash files exclusively in .FLA format.

In every case, each file must have a maximum size of 10 MB; if not  they must be divided. 


  1. In .WAV, .MP3 or .WMA formats.
  2. Sound must be monaural (not stereo).

Programs (software)

  1. Files must be sent compressed in .RAR or .ZIP formats.
  2. They must be accompanied by clear and complete instructions about their installation and execution.

In all cases, if the file or the sum of the resulting files is bigger than 5 MB, the material must be sent on a CD or DVD, by certified conventional mail to CETIFAC, Courreges 40, 3100 Paraná, Entre Ríos, ARG. In case of doubts or inconveniences, please inquire CETIFAC ([email protected]).



All original contributions sent to the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology will be evaluated by the Editors of the Journal. If the manuscript is of interest, it is submitted to arbitration (blind peer review) by 2 (two) expert reviewers on the subject and, if necessary, by a third party, designated by the Editors. The article is sent to the referees without specifying the authors or the center of origin. After its revision, the responsible author is notified of the decision of the referees (preserving their identity) on the acceptance (with or without corrections and changes) or the rejection of the manuscript. If the article needs modifications, the anonymous comment of the referees will be sent to the responsible author to adjust the manuscript as requested.

The Editors of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology reserve the right to introduce the necessary editorial changes (of grammar, format, or layout) with the knowledge of the authors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This article is original, has not been previously published, and is not currently being evaluated for its publication in another Journal (the fact that the article has been presented in Conferences, Cientific Societies or that its abstract was published before, is not an obstacle for its publication).
  • The text is written with double line spacing; in Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12. Expressions in latin or in other languages should be written in italics, not underlined (except in the case of URLs).
  • The text follows the stylistic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
  • The files are in .DOC or .DOCX format, corresponding to Word Office (not .PDF).
  • References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, and identified in text by Arabic numerals in superindex. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE (Available in:
  • Images (figures) are in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi.



Editorials will be adapted to the publication standards and their characteristics are at the discretion of the editors of the journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology. In general, they will provide comments and analysis concerning an original research article published in the same issue of the journal. The articles corresponding to this section can include a maximum of 2 (two) authors. The maximum length should not exceed 1500 words. The title must be entered in Spanish and English, along with keywords (from 3 to 5).

The bibliography (without a minimum or maximum number of references) will be adapted to what is expressed in the section Sending articles, general considerations.

In order for an editorial to be considered for publication, authors must also send a Note of transfer of rights (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the editorial, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.

Review Article


Review and update articles will be published by national and international experts, referents in matters of their specialty. For articles in this section, it is recommended to include a maximum of 4 (four) authors. Reviews should include:

a. Note of transfer of rights;

b. Front page;

c. Abstract in Spanish and English, with 3 to 5 keywords;

d. Text with bibliography;

e. Figures, max. 5 (optional);

f. Figure footnotes (optional);

g. Tables, max. 5 (optional).


a. Note of transfer of rights. In order for an article to be considered for publication, authors must send a note (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the review article, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.


b. Front page. On this page, the following items must be specified:

1. Title of the complete article, in 120 characters including spaces, not including abbreviations and an abbreviated title of the article that should not exceed 80 characters with spaces.

2. List of authors, which will include the first name, the initials of the following names and the full surname of each one.

3. Title or academic degree of each author.

4. Name of the institution where the article was carried out.

5. Name, postal address and email of the responsible author to whom direct the correspondence.

6. Authors must provide a declaration of whether or not there is a conflict of interest.

7. Specify the total number of words in the abstract and text of the article.

8. This page should not be numbered.


c. Unstructured abstract. The abstract must be presented in Spanish and English, with less than 250 words each, and 3-5 keywords.


d. Text with bibliography. The maximum length should not exceed 3000 words. The bibliography will be cited in consecutive numerical sequence, according to the order of appearance in the text, with Arabic numerals and in superscript format, in a maximum of 20. For the reference of medical journals, the abbreviations that appear in the Index Medicus: List of Journals Indexed will be used, which is available at Personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data will not be included in the bibliographic citations. All of them, however, can be included, in parentheses, in the text. If abstracts are cited, they must be identified with (abstract) placed after the title of the work.


- Reference of medical journals. The last name and initials of the authors' names will be written first (without periods between them); when these are more than three, only the first three authors will be mentioned, adding the Latin particle “et al”. Then the job title. Full stop. Name of the journal / publication, according to the abbreviation of the Index Medicus, and the year of publication highlighted in bold. After a semicolon, the volume number, a colon and the initial and final page of the cited work, separated by a hyphen. For example: Priori SG, Barhanin J, Hauer RN, et al. Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: impact on clinical management (Parts I and II). Circulation 1999; 99: 518-28.

- Reference of a book chapter. The following will be cited: chapter authors, chapter title, book authors, book title, edition, city, publisher, year and chapter pages. For example: Rennke HG, Anderson S, Brenner BM: The progression of renal disease: Structural and functional correlations. In: Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference from a book. It must be written: authors, title, edition, city, publisher, year and pages. For example: Tisher CC, Brenner BM: Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference of a journal article in electronic format. It should be written, for example: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [electronic journal] 1995; 1 (1) Available at:


e. Figures, max 5 (optional). Figures corresponding to graphics and drawings will be sent exclusively in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The recommended size of the figures is 12.7 by 17.8 centimeters. Figures must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each figure will be sent in an attached and separate file, placing the corresponding figure number in the file name. Letters, symbols and other characters must be of sufficient size for clear identification. The special details will be indicated with arrows, using for this and for any other type of symbol the line of maximum contrast with respect to the figure.


f. Figure footnotes (optional). They will be included on a separate file. At the end, the abbreviations used will be identified, in alphabetical order. The figures will not include data that reveal the origin of the article or the identity of the patient. Photographs of people must be taken in such a way that they are not identifiable; otherwise, the consent of its use by the person photographed will be attached.


g. Tables, max 5 (optional). The tables will be numbered with Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text. Each table will include a short title at the top. The tables must be understandable by themselves, without having to refer to the text, and will not exceed the size of one page of the Journal. The abbreviations used must be identified at the bottom of each table. Tables must be inserted, following the steps indicated by the word processor in use.

Original Article

Original articles are scientific reports of the results of original, clinical or basic research, in the field of cardiovascular diseases. The text will be limited to a maximum of 5,000 words, excluding the front page, bibliographic references, figure footnotes, figures and tables. The text can be accompanied with tables, figures, and up to 30 bibliographic references. It should be accompanied by a structured abstract of 250 words, with 3 to 5 keywords, in both Spanish and English. The article must have the following items:

a. Note of transfer of rights;

b. Front page;

c. Structured abstract in Spanish and English, with 3 to 5 keywords;

d. Text with bibliography;

e. Figures, max. 5 (optional);

f. Figure footnotes (optional);

g. Tables, max. 5 (optional).


a. Note of transfer of rights. In order for an article to be considered for publication, authors must send a note (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the original article, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.


b. Front page. On this page, the following items must be specified:

1. Title of the complete article, in 120 characters including spaces, not including abbreviations and an abbreviated title of the article that should not exceed 80 characters with spaces.

2. List of authors, which will include the first name, the initials of the following names and the full surname of each one.

3. Title or academic degree of each author.

4. Name of the institution where the article was carried out.

5. Name, postal address and email of the responsible author to whom direct the correspondence.

6. Authors must provide a declaration of whether or not there is a conflict of interest.

7. Specify the total number of words in the abstract and text of the article.

8. This page should not be numbered.


c. Structured abstract in Spanish and English. Each article will be sent accompanied by an abstract (up to 250 words) in Spanish and English, which will include the title of the article. This abstract will state, without using abbreviations or bibliographic references, the objectives of the study or research, material and methods, results and conclusions. Both abstracts will include between 3-5 keywords.


d. Text of the article with bibliography. Each section must start on a separate page. The article should be structured in the following sections: 1. Introduction; 2. Material and method; 3. Results; 4. Discussion; 5. Conclusions; 6. Acknowledgments; 7. Bibliographic references.

1. Introduction. Briefly explain the fundamentals and objectives of the article.

2. Material and method. It describes the characteristics of the procedures used, the statistical analysis and the approval of the corresponding Ethics Committee.

3. Results. They must be presented in the text in a logical sequence, without repeating the information provided by tables and figures.

4. Discussion. It presents the results in relation to the hypotheses of the article, with the corresponding bibliographic support.

5. Conclusions. It refers to the findings in response to the objectives set.

6. Acknowledgments. Includes acknowledgments or mention of collaborators who, without being authors, made a genuine contribution to the article

7. Bibliography. It will be cited in consecutive numerical sequence, according to the order of appearance in the text, with Arabic numerals and in superscript format. For the reference of medical journals, the abbreviations that appear in the Index Medicus: List of Journals Indexed will be used, which is available at Personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data will not be included in the bibliographic citations. All of them, however, can be included, in parentheses, in the text. If abstracts are cited, they must be identified with (abstract) placed after the title of the work.


- Reference of medical journals. The last name and initials of the authors' names will be written first (without periods between them); when these are more than three, only the first three authors will be mentioned, adding the Latin particle “et al”. Then the job title. Full stop. Name of the journal / publication, according to the abbreviation of the Index Medicus, and the year of publication highlighted in bold. After a semicolon, the volume number, a colon and the initial and final page of the cited work, separated by a hyphen. For example: Priori SG, Barhanin J, Hauer RN, et al. Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: impact on clinical management (Parts I and II). Circulation 1999; 99: 518-28.

- Reference of a book chapter. The following will be cited: chapter authors, chapter title, book authors, book title, edition, city, publisher, year and chapter pages. For example: Rennke HG, Anderson S, Brenner BM: The progression of renal disease: Structural and functional correlations. In: Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference from a book. It must be written: authors, title, edition, city, publisher, year and pages. For example: Tisher CC, Brenner BM: Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference of a journal article in electronic format. It should be written, for example: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [electronic journal] 1995; 1 (1) Available at:


e. Figures, max. 5 (optional). Figures corresponding to graphics and drawings will be sent exclusively in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The recommended size of the figures is 12.7 by 17.8 centimeters. Figures must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each figure will be sent in an attached and separate file, placing the corresponding figure number in the file name. Letters, symbols and other characters must be of sufficient size for clear identification. The special details will be indicated with arrows, using for this and for any other type of symbol the line of maximum contrast with respect to the figure.


f. Figure footnotes (optional). They will be included on a separate file. At the end, the abbreviations used will be identified, in alphabetical order. The figures will not include data that reveal the origin of the article or the identity of the patient. Photographs of people must be taken in such a way that they are not identifiable; otherwise, the consent of its use by the person photographed will be attached.


g. Tables, max. 5 (optional). Tables will be numbered with Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text. Each table will include a short title at the top. The tables must be understandable by themselves, without having to refer to the text, and will not exceed the size of one page of the Journal. The abbreviations used must be identified at the bottom of each table. Tables must be inserted, following the steps indicated by the word processor in use.

Brief communications

Reports of multiple cases on the same pathology and original investigations that due to their size or volume of information, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, do not meet the conditions to be published in the "Original Articles" section will be considered "Brief Communications". In all cases, they must be submitted to an editorial evaluation to be accepted by the journal.

Up to four (4) authors may be listed in this section. The articles in this section must present:

a. Note of transfer of rights. Refer to the section Sending articles, general considerations;

b. Front page. Refer to the section Sending articles, general considerations;

c. Unstructured abstract in Spanish and English (less than 200 words), with 3-5 keywords;

d. Text that will include: Introduction, Presentation of clinical cases, or Results, Discussion and Bibliography;

e. Figures, max 4 (optional);

f. Figure footnotes (optional);

g. Tables, max 2 (optional).

Clinical Case Reports

Those cases that, once submitted to the arbitration process, are considered of real interest due to the scientific contribution they may represent, will be published. For the articles in this section, it is recommended to include a maximum of 4 (four) authors. If the number of authors is greater than 4, a note must be sent along with the other required files, explaining the importance of each author's contribution, so as to request authorization from the Editorial Committee.

Clinical case reports will include:

a. Note of transfer of rights;

b. Front page;

c. Unstructured abstract with keywords;

d. Case text with bibliography;

e. Figures, max 3 (optional);

f. Figure footnotes (optional) and

g. Table, max 1 (optional).


a. Note of transfer of rights. In order for a report  to be considered for publication, a note (digitized by scanner) must be attached that will include the title of the report, the section in which it will be published in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication remain the property of the Journal of the Argentine Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.


b. Front page. On this page must be recorded:

1. Title of the complete report, in 120 characters including spaces, not including abbreviations and an abbreviated title of the work that should not exceed 80 characters with spaces.

2. List of authors, will include the first name, the initials of the following names and the full surname of each one.

3. Title or academic degree of each author.

4. Name of the institution where the report was carried out.

5. Name, postal address and email of the responsible author to whom to direct the correspondence.

6. Authors must provide a declaration of whether or not there is a conflict of interest.

7. Specify the total number of words in the abstract and the text of the report.

8. This page should not be numbered.


c. Unstructured abstract. The abstract must be presented in Spanish and English, with less than 200 words each, and 3 to 5 keywords.


d. Case text with bibliography. The text should be limited to 1500 words, excluding the front page, bibliographic references, figure footnotes and tables. Each of the sections that conform the article will start on a separate page. The work should be structured in the following sections: 1. Introduction; 2. Presentation of the clinical case, 3. Discussion, 4. Conclusions, 5. Bibliography.

This type of articles will be accompanied by up to 15 (fifteen) bibliographic references. The bibliography will be cited in consecutive numerical sequence, according to the order of appearance in the text, with Arabic numerals and in superscript format. For the reference of medical journals, the abbreviations that appear in the Index Medicus: List of Journals Indexed will be used, which is available at Personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data will not be included in the bibliographic citations. All of them, however, can be included, in parentheses, in the text. If abstracts are cited, they must be identified with (abstract) placed after the title of the work.


- Reference of medical journals. The last name and initials of the authors' names will be written first (without periods between them); when these are more than three, only the first three authors will be mentioned, adding the Latin particle “et al”. Then the job title. Next, period followed, name of the journal / publication, according to the abbreviation of the Index Medicus, and the year of publication highlighted in bold. After a semicolon, the volume number, a colon and the initial and final page of the cited work, separated by a hyphen. For example: Priori SG, Barhanin J, Hauer RN, et al. Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: impact on clinical management (Parts I and II). Circulation 1999; 99: 518-28.

- Reference of a book chapter. The following will be cited: chapter authors, chapter title, book authors, book title, edition, city, publisher, year and chapter pages. For example: Rennke HG, Anderson S, Brenner BM: The progression of renal disease: Structural and functional correlations. In: Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference of a book. It must be written: authors, title, edition, city, publisher, year and pages. For example: Tisher CC, Brenner BM: Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference of a magazine article in electronic format. It should be written, for example: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [electronic journal] 1995; 1 (1) Available at:


e. Figures, max 3 (optional). Figures corresponding to graphics and drawings will be sent exclusively in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The recommended size of the figures is 12.7 by 17.8 centimeters. Figures must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each figure will be sent in an attached and separate file, placing the corresponding figure number in the file name. Letters, symbols and other characters must be of sufficient size for clear identification. The special details will be indicated with arrows, using for this and for any other type of symbol, the maximum contrast line with respect to the figure.


f. Figure footnotes (optional). They will be included on a separate sheet. At the end, the abbreviations used will be identified, in alphabetical order. The figures will not include data that reveal the origin of the report or the identity of the patient. Photographs of people must be taken in such a way that they are not identifiable; otherwise, the consent of its use by the person photographed will be attached.


g. Table, max 1 (optional). The table will be numbered with Arabic numerals. It will include a short title at the top. It must be understandable by itself, without the need to go to the text, and will not exceed the size of one page of the Journal. The abbreviations used must be identified at the bottom of the table. To make the table, you must insert it and follow the steps indicated by the word processor in use.

Opinion Essay


They refer to opinion articles by leading experts, both national and international, on topics of their specialty. Their characteristics will be adapted to the publication standards of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology. The articles corresponding to this section can include a maximum of two (2) authors. The maximum length should not exceed 1500 words. The title must be entered in Spanish and English, along with keywords (from 3 to 5).

In order for an essay to be considered for publication, authors must send a note (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the essay, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.

Images in Cardiology

For the articles in this section, a maximum of 4 (four) authors is recommended. If the number of authors is greater than 4, a note must be sent along with the other required files, explaining the importance of each author's contribution, so as to request authorization from the Editorial Committee.

They can correspond to X-rays, electrocardiograms, ultrasound, angiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, optical or electron microscopy, and so on. These images must be illustrative or relevant from a diagnostic or clinical point of view, and will be accompanied by an explanatory text with the most relevant information. The images should allow adequate reproduction and include indicator arrows where necessary. All symbols contained in the images will be adequately explained in the text. Articles of this section should include:

a. Note of transfer of rights;

b. Front page;

c. Text with bibliography;

d. Figures, max. 3 (figure footnotes will not be included).


a. Note of transfer of rights. In order for an article to be considered for publication, authors must send a note (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the article, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.


b. Front page. On this page, the following items must be specified:

1. Title of the complete article, in 120 characters including spaces, not including abbreviations and an abbreviated title of the article that should not exceed 80 characters with spaces.

2. List of authors, which will include the first name, the initials of the following names and the full surname of each one.

3. Title or academic degree of each author.

4. Name of the institution where the article was carried out.

5. Name, postal address and email of the responsible author to whom direct the correspondence.

6. Authors must provide a declaration of whether or not there is a conflict of interest.

7. Specify the total number of words in the abstract and text of the article.

8. This page should not be numbered.


c. Text with bibliography. This text should not exceed 300 words, and should be accompanied by 3 (three) to 5 (five) bibliographic references. It will be cited in consecutive numerical sequence, according to the order of appearance in the text, with Arabic numerals and in superscript format. For the reference of medical journals, the abbreviations that appear in the Index Medicus: List of Journals Indexed will be used, which is available at Personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data will not be included in the bibliographic citations. All of them, however, can be included, in parentheses, in the text. If abstracts are cited, they must be identified with (abstract) placed after the title of the work.


- Reference of medical journals. The last name and initials of the authors' names will be written first (without periods between them); when these are more than three, only the first three authors will be mentioned, adding the Latin particle “et al”. Then the job title. Full stop. Name of the journal / publication, according to the abbreviation of the Index Medicus, and the year of publication highlighted in bold. After a semicolon, the volume number, a colon and the initial and final page of the cited work, separated by a hyphen. For example: Priori SG, Barhanin J, Hauer RN, et al. Genetic and molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: impact on clinical management (Parts I and II). Circulation 1999; 99: 518-28.

- Reference of a book chapter. The following will be cited: chapter authors, chapter title, book authors, book title, edition, city, publisher, year and chapter pages. For example: Rennke HG, Anderson S, Brenner BM: The progression of renal disease: Structural and functional correlations. In: Tisher CC, Brenner BM (eds): Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference from a book. It must be written: authors, title, edition, city, publisher, year and pages. For example: Tisher CC, Brenner BM: Renal pathology with clinical and functional correlations (2nd ed). Philadelphia, JP Lippincott Co 1994; pp 116-142.

- Reference of a journal article in electronic format. It should be written, for example: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [electronic journal] 1995; 1 (1) Available at:


d. Figures, max 3 (figure footnotes will not be included). Figures corresponding to graphics and drawings will be sent exclusively in JPG format, using black for lines and text, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The recommended size of the figures is 12.7 by 17.8 centimeters. Figures must be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the text. Each figure will be sent in an attached and separate file, placing the corresponding figure number in the file name. Letters, symbols and other characters must be of sufficient size for clear identification. The special details will be indicated with arrows, using for this and for any other type of symbol the line of maximum contrast with respect to the figure.


Letters to the Editor

They will refer to original research articles, published in the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology, and eventually to topics of general interest regarding public health and the cardiology community. They will have a maximum length of 1,000 words, will not include figures or tables, and will have a maximum of 5 bibliographic references. Letters to the editor can include a maximum of two (2) authors.

The bibliography will be adapted to what is expressed in the section Sending articles, general considerations.

In order for a letter to be considered for publication, authors must also send a Note of transfer of rights (digitized by scanner) which includes the title of the letter, the section for publication in the Journal, the statement that the contents have not been previously published, and the total transfer of publication rights once the article has been accepted. This note will be signed by all the authors. The rules for authorship are explained in full at Papers admitted for publication will remain property of the Journal of the Argentinian Federation of Cardiology and their total or partial reproduction must be duly authorized by the Editor.

Other articles

This section will include featured ECGs, Interventionism in Latin America, Records, Sketches, Teaching tools for certification and recertification, Books received with the presentation of their technical file, Bibliographic comments, Reminders.

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